Welcome to St Michael’s Pre-school

Hello and welcome!

Temporarily located in St Andrew’s Methodist Church, Weyhill Road, Andover, our preschool welcomes children from the term after their 2nd birthday, from all sections of the community. We believe children learn and develop best through unstructured play and we have lovingly created an environment to allow each child to explore and learn at their own pace, gently guided by our experienced practitioners.

Please explore our website to find out more about us, what a typical day looks like and to read the wonderful feedback we’ve received from parents, but if you want to know what we’re really like, we’d recommend you visit us in person. Naomi and the team are always happy to chat, so give us a call on 07940 569651 between 8:30am-4pm Monday-Friday to arrange a time that’s convenient for you.

Session Times

We are open Monday to Friday, term time only. We offer a range of start and finish times to suit individual families needs:

Start times:
9am || 9:30am || 12:00 || 12:30

Finish times:
12:00 || 12:30 || 15:00 || 15:30

We are always happy to discuss your requirements on a one to one basis, and we’ll work together to find the right sessions for you and your child.

We accept:
2 year funding
Universal funding
Extended hours (30 hours) funding

Hours for non-funded children and additional hours over your funded hours are charged at £6.00 per hour.

Please call Naomi on 07940 569651 to arrange a visit.